Thursday, May 18, 2017

DEEDIV social

  1. Our Earth in Space.
  2. Face of the earth./Globe/Map.
  3. Movements of the Earth/Rotation/ day/night/
  4. Latitude/parallels/Longitude/Meridians/half -circle/same size/
  5. Parallel go round the earth/Smaller away from Equator.
  6. Directions/North/South/East/West.
  7. Scale in maps.
  8. Earth/ Home of all living beings/ people/animals/plants.
  9. One of the eight planets. Earth.
  10. Nine planets. Mercury/Venus/Earth/ Mars/Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus/Neptune.
  11. Mer/VEar/MarJuSa/UN. MVEMJSUN.
  12. Solar system: Sun and the eight planets.
  13. Sun. A STAR.
  14. Star: huge balls of very hot gases.give off heat and light.
  15. Planets: No light of their own.
  16. Can be seen only when the sunlight falls on them.
  17. Closer plane to the Sun. Mercury.
  18. Path of planet round the Sun. Orbit.
  19. Mercury nearer to Sun smaller is its path.
  20. Mercury goes round the Sun once in 88 days,
  21. Earth takes 365 1/4 days to go round the Sun.
  22. Neptune takes 164 years for one revolution.
  23. Revolution: The movement of planets around the Sun.
  24. Mercury and Venus are hot because closest to the Sun.
  25. Uranus Neptune  are very far away from the Sun.
  26. They are cold planets.
  27. Why Earth has life in it? because getting correct amount of light and heat.
  28. Satellites: smaller bodies moving around the planet.
  29. No satellites for Mercury and Venus
  30. Earth has one satellite. the Moon.
  31. Satellites and planets have no light of their own. Can be see n only with the help of Sunlight.
  32. Moon goes round the earth in 28 days.
  33. New Moon. When it is between Sun and Earth.(No moon)
  34. Full Moon. When it is between 
  35. Moon  has phases changing every day for 14 days.
  36. it is called waxing  growing ,waning becoming smaller and smaller.
  37. A full moon is always opposite the sun. That’s why it looks full to us. At full moon, the moon and sun are on a line, with Earth in between.
  38.  At new moon, the moon is in the middle position along the line. At full moon, Earth is in the middle.

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